how to make money school eavers

7 Ways to Make Money As A School Leavers

Hey there, school leavers! Feeling the need for some extra cash before (or after) hitting those textbooks? You’re not alone. Make Money As A School Leavers can be tough, but don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to hustle your way to some financial freedom.

Think of it like leveling up your skills and gaining real-world experience, all while boosting your bank account. Pretty sweet deal, right?

Things to Think About Before Getting Started

Before you don the neon vest and hop on your delivery scooter, take a moment to consider your equation. How much time can you realistically dedicate to work while still enjoying those coveted lazy days? What skills and passions can you leverage into income-generating plans? And, Of course, when the siren call of summertime activities is present, what inner workaholic talks to you?

Reveal Your Summertime Plan

Summer. The mere word conjures images of sun-kissed skin, lazy days by the pool, and adventures beckoning beyond the classroom walls. But for many students, the sunny season also presents an opportunity to do more than just soak up rays – it’s a chance to turn up the “hustle” dial and make some cash.

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Why Earn During Summer Break?

Let’s face it, college tuition doesn’t take a vacation, and summer jobs can be a strategic way to chip away at those student loans or build a nest egg for future adventures. But it’s not just about the Benjamins, friends. Earning during the sun-drenched months can be a rich learning experience, building valuable skills, fostering independence, and giving you a healthy dose of financial responsibility. Plus, who doesn’t love the added satisfaction of treating yourself to that epic music festival or spontaneous backpacking trip?

Finding the Right Fit Make Money As A School Leavers

The beauty of the summer hustle is its endless variety. Whether you’re a social butterfly, a tech whiz, or a creative soul, there’s a money-making avenue out there waiting to be explored. 

How to Make Money As A School Leavers

The Gig Economy

  • On-Demand Delivery
How to Make Money As A School Leavers

Embrace your inner speed demon and fly throughout the town, bringing groceries, meals, or perhaps that birthday present you forgot to bring. There are apps for that like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub that allow you to work around your schedule and make some serious income while riding a bike.

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  • Task Rabbit Renaissance

Consider yourself an expert in all fields. The TaskRabbit website matches you with people in need of a variety of tasks, like assembling furniture to running errands, so you can turn your handyman (or woman!) skills into real rewards.

  • Freelance Feast

Have strong writing, graphic design, or coding skills? You can reach a global marketplace of clients looking for freelancing services through Fiverr and Upwork. Develop your abilities, assemble your portfolio, and go freelancing.

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Offline Employment Make Money As A School Leavers

  • Retail Rush

Look into the colourful world of summertime shopping. Seasonal stores offer a colourful atmosphere and the ability to improve your sales skills while earning some cash for retail therapy. They can be found in hip beachwear boutiques or busy tourist destinations.

  • Camp Counsellor Connections

Enjoy the beautiful outdoors and children? Summer camps are constantly searching for energetic counsellors to lead young brains on excursions, construct bonfires, and lead campfire sing-alongs. It’s a touching way to make lifelong memories and earn money at the same time.

  • Lawn and Order

Unlock your inner green thumb and create well-manicured works of art out of lovely lawns. During the summer, landscaping and lawn care services are in high demand, allowing you to work outside, get some exercise, and realise your green goals.

Internet Zone

  • Content Creation Kingdom

Build your content empire by engaging your inner videographer or wordsmith. Create a YouTube channel, blog, or vlog centred around your interests, passions, or areas of expertise. You may partner with brands, attract in an audience, and make money from your material through sponsorships, ads, and even online courses if you put in the necessary effort and creativity.

  • Social Media Insight

When it comes to creating captivating Instagram stories or going viral with postings, do you have the Midas touch? The realm of influencer marketing on social media is calling. Work with brands that are pertinent to your audience, endorse their offerings and observe as your involvement blossoms into real advantages.

  • Virtual Assistant Voyage

Possess superhuman organisational abilities and tech knowledge? Become a virtual assistant and help entrepreneurs and busy professionals from a distance. From the comfort of your screen, take care of emails, make presentations, manage schedules, and become the perfect digital wingman.

Creative Corner

  • Etsy Emporium

Turn your hobbies into a business. Whether you’re a master jeweller, a paintbrush whisperer, or a knitting needle genius, Etsy offers a dynamic platform to display your handcrafted goods and engage with a global audience of eager buyers.

  • Photography Pastime

Have an eye for the extraordinary in the ordinary? Turn your smartphone or trusty DSLR into a money-making machine. Offer local businesses product photography, and capture special events like weddings or graduations, or even sell your captivating landscape or street photography prints online. Remember, the only limit is your imagination and your lens!

  • Music Maestro

Do you have a melody bubbling just below the surface? Summer is the perfect time to let it loose. Offer music lessons to budding musicians, perform at local cafes or farmers’ markets, or even sell your original compositions online. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next summer anthem sensation!


While making money during summer is a fantastic way to boost your financial independence and gain valuable skills, remember, it’s not all about chasing dollar signs. Don’t let spreadsheets and deadlines overshadow the magic of summertime. Strike a healthy balance between work and play, ensuring you carve out time for those epic beach bonfires, spontaneous road trips, and lazy afternoons with friends. After all, summer memories are priceless, and the financial rewards earned should sweeten, not overshadow, this precious season of freedom and fun.

Balancing Work and Play

Here are some tips to remember as you embark on your summer hustle

  • Set realistic goals: Don’t overload your schedule. Decide how much you want to earn and adjust your work commitments accordingly, leaving ample time for rest and recreation.
  • Communicate with loved ones: Explain your work schedule and ensure everyone understands your priorities. Open communication keeps everyone happy and avoids scheduling conflicts.
  • Say no without guilt: It’s okay to decline extra work if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Prioritize your well-being and don’t hesitate to take breaks when needed.
  • Embrace flexibility: The beauty of summer gigs is their adaptability. If one job isn’t a good fit, try something else! Experiment and find what works best for you.

Remember, the summer hustle is your journey, not a competition. Make it fun, make it rewarding, and above all, make it your own.


  • Won’t working interfere with my studies?

It’s all about striking a balance. Choose flexible gigs that fit your schedule and workload. Remember, summer jobs can also teach valuable skills relevant to your academic pursuits.

  • Where do I find these job opportunities?

Online platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and local job boards are great starting points. Networking with friends, family, and local businesses can also open doors to hidden gems.

  • How much can I realistically earn?

Earnings vary depending on the job, your skills, and location. Research average salaries for specific gigs and set realistic goals. Remember, even a small income can make a big difference.

  • What about taxes?

Check with your local tax authorities on reporting requirements for summer earnings. It’s always wise to set aside some money for taxes to avoid surprises.

  • How can I make the most of this experience?

Approach every job with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Be proactive, ask questions, and network with colleagues. Consider the skills you’re gaining and how they can benefit your future career path.

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